In these unprecedented times, it can be difficult to create a home office space that caters to your spinal health. Makeshift spaces such as the couch or dining room table are not ideal for comfort, nor are they supporting your back properly. When seated in these positions for extended periods of time, your spine can become misaligned. The solution? Regular chiropractic adjustments, rehabilitation and changing the ergonomics of your home office.

Take a look at your home office set up. Do you have something to rest your wrists upon when typing or using your mouse? Do you have a good office chair that supports your back? Do you have something to rest your feet on to relieve pressure from your joints? It is likely that your answer to all of these questions is “no.” The first step to preventing and alleviating body pains is customizing your home office space to cater to your physical health needs.

spinal stenosis symptomsNow is the perfect time to start investing in your health! Purchasing resting pads for your keyboard and mouse is a great first step. This will help prevent getting carpal tunnel syndrome. The next step would be making sure you have either a standing desk, or a comfortable office chair with adjustable height and a lumbar support for your spine. Lastly, make sure you have a good place to rest your feet as you work. Sitting in a chair all day means your knees are bent all day. When your knees are flexed like that all day, it can cause serious knee pain and discomfort. Try finding a small stool to rest your feet on throughout the day to give your knees a break.



Once you have all of your new ergonomic equipment, you will need to focus on your posture while you sit at your desk all day. Your head should be back with your chin slightly tucked. Your eyes should be level with the top ⅓ of your computer screen. You want your ears, shoulders, and hips aligned. The height of your chair should allow your hips to be bent at slightly more than 90 degrees so your feet can be flat on the floor or on the stool. Keep your elbows bent at your sides, slightly more than 90 degrees. Make sure your keyboard is at the same height as your elbows with your wrists slightly bent, resting on your newly purchased resting pads. Your mouse should be adjacent to and at the same height as your keyboard. Use headphones when using your phone instead of cradling your phone between your head and shoulder. Finally, remember to give yourself standing breaks at least every 30 minutes. Your body will thank you for it!

Feel free to contact us for further information or help with your posture & ergonomics.



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